WestConnex is Australia’s largest transport infrastructure project with a total of 33km of motorway, inclusive of tunnel, being built in Sydney. The WestConnex project unfolds in three stages and has a total value of AUD 16.8 billion. It will provide a vital transportation link in Sydney’s orbital network.
The M4 East and New M5 stages of WestConnex have engaged Edvirt to deliver shotcrete operator training that will go some way to address the shortage of skilled shotcrete operators that exists for tunnelling projects in New South Wales. For this purpose, virtual education by means of the 3D Shotcrete Simulator™ is an effective, forward-thinking approach. It offers a unique advantage that lets operators avoid exposure to the hazardous underground environments during training, thereby enabling safe education of inexperienced nozzlemen. Edvirt’s shotcrete operator training also significantly cuts down on cost and environmental impact. As most of the training is simulator based, the typically high levels of concrete waste, and potential equipment damage, that often occurs with nozzleman operator training is kept to a minimum. The simulator training is complemented by theoretical and on-the-job training.
In order to provide a nationally recognised qualification under the Australian Qualification framework, Edvirt Australia is collaborating with NSW based RTO Health & Safety Advisory Services Pty Ltd. On satisfactory completion of the course, operators receive a statement of attainment of the Unit of Competency “RIIUND310D – Apply Shotcrete Underground”; as well as the internationally recognized ESCOT™ certificate.
Edvirt Australia’s training is offered throughout the country, ranging from the client’s headquarter to the most remote mines or construction sites.
For more information, please contact:
Christian Reich, Managing Director Edvirt Australia
+61 423 400 722